代理报关代理清关 0+
A Freight Forwarder which is authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation as well as a CLFA associated member. It is engaged in Sea Freight, Air Freight, international import/export agency business and combined transportation. Our company can provide door to door logistics services such as vessel chartering, customs clearance, cargo inspection, insurance, warehousing, inland distribution and bread bulk etc.问题件两个钟回复, 代替以往香港出口 。中港扣关。查件迟迟得不到正确的回复,香港排仓,时效慢。当地扣关多等问题, 同达货运真正的为你做到省心。省事。省钱,为你月结客户更有保障,更安全,助你外贸事业更成功. 欧洲两天~~非洲三天~~东南亚今发明至~~美国令发明至 全国包上门取货~~~
保障(1)2009年同达货运推行限时服务(使命必达),深受各地企业的欢迎及支持。限时服务是指在同达货运约定的时间内送达到客户的手上(不包括海关查货、天气自然因素等不可控制的原因)如没能送达,同达货运廷误一天按3/KG二天6/KG 3天9/KG 4天不收运费全退还客户。使命必达适用于同达货运所有提供国际快递的服务,且能显示同达货运的实力以及承诺的使命必达
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