杜阿拉—拉各斯-特马-洛美 0+
连云港等国内主要港口至—西非基本港(罗安达—卡宾达—黑角-马塔迪-利伯维尔-杜阿拉—拉各斯-特马-洛美-科特努—科纳克里-阿比让),东非基本港(蒙巴萨—达累斯萨拉姆-班加西-的黎波里),南非基本港(德班-马普托),北非基本港(亚历山大—突尼斯-基斯克达-DJENDJEN-阿尔及尔—奥兰),东南亚基本港(新加坡-泗水-雅加达-胡志明-宿务-曼谷-三宝垄-巴生-滨城),澳新南太平洋基本港(布里斯班-悉尼-墨尔本—阿德莱德-奥克兰-莱城-莫尔斯比港-腊包尔-霍尼亚拉),中南美线(墨西哥-曼萨尼约-马那瓜—科隆—巴兰基亚—布埃斯文图拉—卡亚俄),中东基本港(阿巴斯-迪拜-达曼-吉达-科威特),俄罗斯远东基本港(海参威-东方港-科尔萨科夫),欧地线基本港,美加线基本港,日韩线基本港,以上每个点,每月都有固定散杂货船班轮及滚装船。 endorsed by Hongkong, Guangzhou, Beijing embassy, Cargo Insurance, Health Certificate, Certificate of Fumigation and so on the trade procedure and documents, the settlement of exchange and make the letter of credit (L/C). The proxy commodity scope includes: Toy, extract goods, clothing, handbag, footwear, plastic product, hardware product, electronic products, ceramic handicraft, furniture, resin handicraft, Christmas present, decorative lighting, ironwork andso on. If you do business like grocery(daily, general merchandise), dry and fresh goods, the refrigeration, the dangerous material and the ordinary chemical industry, we also can help you go through Customs smoothly.
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