中东、南非、西非、北美西 0+
To achieve the procurement cost savings
Purchasing Agent Company specialized in materials procurement and distribution, it is the procurement of materials that function spun off from manufacturing enterprises to achieve a social division of labor. According to the theory of division of labor and specialization, division of labor contributes to professional development, and direct impact of specialization is cost savings. Purchasing agent business is specialized material procurement business, which has specialized purchasing and materials distribution team, can effectively reduce procurement costs. First, it specializes in purchasing a certain category or categories of materials, can serve a number of customers, which in operation is usually bulk purchase, bulk purchase on the prices tend to have more promotions, customers can enjoy more than the average for the discounts. The speedy completion of the procurement task Secondly, purchasing agent business deal in purchasing a certain category or categories of materials, with more abundant than general business information, market conditions well known in the art, and can send the customer procurement directives, you can save a lot such as visits, negotiations and other transaction costs. For customers, in addition to saving the cost of purchasing department daily, external procurement staff salaries, cost of materials and inventory procurement transaction costs, but also with higher efficiency, lower purchase price of required supplies. Companies tend to simplify the entire procurement chain, processes, procurement costs greatly reduced.
Quality assurance of materials
Purchasing Agent enterprises to survive and develop is that it be obtained by an invisible constraint that its customer's responsibility. Customer trust it, happy to own it commissioned material procurement business, it can survive and grow. Thus, it must stand on the position of customers, to customers are thinking, be anxious customers. It must always remain sober, because the height of the flow of information society, one of negligence or fraud (such as shoddy) not only will they will never lose a customer, but also may bring their own devastating disaster. In this sense, the purchasing agent than the customer's own corporate purchasing departments have more responsibility and a sense of crisis, more motivated to seek quality and cheap supplies. In addition, the purchasing agent purchasing a franchise business or several types of goods, with more professional buyers, the market is more accurate grasp of the market, the relevant material quality will also be more discriminating. Thus, the purchasing agent to purchase more goods to meet customer requirements. This kind of a class or classes of materials have the ability to more specialized, purchasing agent for enterprises, it is essential for its survival and development tools; and in terms of customers, you can potentially save procurement costs .
To provide efficient service散杂货业务:着眼于该项市场的发展趋势,散货部特别的发展计划并相应稳步发展。目前已于国际上知名的一部分船东及租家达成了长期的稳定合作。另外针对一些大宗的项目货物,已经开始尝试租赁船舶,独立经营。公司在国内特别是北方主要港口都有专门的分支机构或地面代理,营口、新港、曹妃甸、龙口、莱州、烟台、青岛、日照、连云港、上海等都有稳定的散杂货业务,且客户的口碑很好。出口方向目前涉及:日韩、东南亚、印度、中东、南非、西非、北美西、北美东以及南美东的部分基本港口。公司凭借专业的散货团队,秉承认真负责的精神,以无微不至的态度在询盘、订舱、地面、船舶动态跟踪以及目的港口相关方面处处为客户着想,力争零事故率。相信我们一定是令您满意的合作伙伴。
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