海运海防接货要交些什么资料? 0+
Corporate purpose: Create value for customers create benefits for enterprises create wealth for employees create prosperity for society
Enterprise spirit: Hard work, innovation, honesty, steadfast in doing things
Business philosophy: Standardize management abide by the integrity of the pursuit of excellence and practical innovation
Enterprise goals: Tree kun xin image create kun xin brand
Corporate philosophy: When money is scattered, people gather. When money is gathered, people gather. When money is gathered, people gather
Corporate ethics: External tree integrity image of professional loyalty在中国最大的港口城市上海设立总部,并在法国、香港、台湾、深圳、宁波、杭州、苏州等地设有分支机构;1995年海冠船务加入香港货运代理物流组织(HAFFA),及国际货运代理协会(FIATA),并具备美国FMC注册登记的海运提单及AMS电子舱单系统;在中国,具有海运空运进出口货物一级国际代理资质,以及无船承运人资质(MOC-NV00570);在全球拥有能为客户提供便捷优质服务的海外代理网络,目前有代理162家;海冠建设了稳定有效的电脑业务系统及网站,数字化管理为客户提供便捷的在线咨询,委托及跟踪服务。早上好
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