发货至多哥的货物 0+
时间:2013-10-21 10:59:00 本站 浏览次数:4392 打印本文
多哥是西非的国家之一,多哥海运属于西非海运,多哥海运主要指洛美海运。从深圳到洛美海运的船公司有:MSC、MSK、CMA、DELMAS 等,大约是31天的船期。目的港可以申请14天免柜期。
多哥东面与贝宁相邻,北面与布基纳法索,西面与加纳相邻,南面有一小段海岸线面向几内亚湾。深圳到多哥海运对邻近国家的海运有一定的影响。洛梅为其首都及最大城市。多哥是一个区域性商业和贸易中心,这个小型亚撒哈拉经济体严重依赖于商业及少有余粮的农业。主要贸易对象是法国等欧洲经济共同体国家,其出口有咖啡、可可、磷矿石,以及棉花、棕油和花生等;进口有燃料、机械运输设备、石油化工产品、纸张、金属、棉纺品等 Meetings do tend to planned in lesser detail than other countries with constructive deviation away from business agenda seen as pragmatic.
Australians favour eye contact when holding a conversation as they believe it is a sign of respect and an indication the person they are conversing with is listening to them.
Australians have no hesitation in saying a straight forward but polite “No” to anything they object to. This should not be seen as rude or offensive as it is their culture to be frank and say what they mean.
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