admin / 2012.2.10 / 17:5 pm
波兹南picking up 0+
配备内陆拖车服务,不管船期要求多么紧迫,天航物流都能够为客户提供灵活多样的选择,包括不同的起运港宁波,上海,深圳等,包括不同的船公司WANHAI,YANGMING,MARESK,CNC,APL,OOCL,MSC,COSCO,NYK,OOCL,P&O,RCL等;不同的截关期,从周一至周日。The provision of professional driver and maintenance man of container trucks for the Air freight export service.all trucks equipped with interphone,drives could contact with dispatcher in the process of picking up and transportation of the container,and receiving the instruction.
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