admin / 2012.7.10 / 11:7 pm
convenient cargo service 0+
运业务通过全体同仁的努力已逐步迈向成熟,我们现与多家船公司有着紧密的合作,拥有中东、印巴、欧地、东南亚、美洲、非洲等多条优势航线。凭借精良的销售队伍,专业的操作水平,惠通将是您最佳的选择! professional staff and high efficiency operation level, as we carefully select network partners who familiar with local regulations and conditions, our company has strong cargo business networks throughout China & overseas countries. With the aims of these networks as well as our professional experiences, we can offer you a safe, efficient, accurate, money-saving, reliable and convenient cargo service all over the world.
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