admin / 2012.10.24 / 16:15 pm
calgary出口空运舱位 0+
and any combination of special services tailored to the specific needs of every customer.
Eighty-eight employees form the human capital of the company. All of them are well experienced and extremely responsible. Our offices are fully computerized and we possess the equipment and vehicles needed for loadings and transports.
We are a member of CGLN and FIATA . We also have set up our own offices in Tianjin, Qingdao,Ningbo,Xiamen,& Shenzhen, headed in Shanghai. With our positive organization network, we could offer second to none service to customers.
To satisfy different kinds of customers is always our priority. 代理接受空运货物、揽货、订舱、仓储、中转、集装箱拼装拆箱、结算运杂费报关报验等业务,快速、及时提供出口空运舱位、 代理报关、监管、转运、商检, 为出口监管货物提供安全可靠的仓储服务 , 客户咨询及时反馈, 提供进口货物的分拨和转运服务。
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