比利时loading cargo 0+
is a first-class Cargo Agent Company and a member of International Cargo Agent Association of China. On May 18th, 1998, under the administration of Chinese Communications and Transportation Association and licensed by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation., Huihang was established in Xiamen, China. By specializing in a variety of modes of transportation such as marine, air, and sea to air connections, combined with attentive, personal management of goods, is what makes Huihang an innovative leader in the export-import industry. Huihang through import-export management and the power of attorney takes care of your product from start to finish. Huihang services include: loading cargo, booking of cabins, warehousing, transferring of goods, container assembly and devanning, settlement of miscellaneous fees incurred in the freight-forwarding process, customs declaration, inspection declarations, insurance, correlated transport services, as well as consultation in the transportation of all commodities and technologies.
展望未来,我们将一如既往地以稳定、可靠、安全的运营系统,科学的资源整合,先进的管理技术,为各类企业提供信得信赖的优质服务,以强大的网络、优质的服务、高效地运作,通过不断的努力和创新将宸辉物流打造成国际化物流、经营管理和先进的专业技术于一体的中国现代物流企业, 为客户提供多元化的优质服务。
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