
admin / 2013.1.8 / 16:0 pm


Inland haulage includes transportation from customers to the port of shipment, and from discharge port to the point assigned by CNEE by truck and / or rail.

In China, we have our won trucking fleet company owning 3-ton, 5-ton, 8-ton, 10-ton truck and 20feet, 40feet, 40HQ trailer. We also have strong worldwide network to support your inland hadulage oversea.

We ensure that your products are moved at the right time to the right place. Whatever your need for inland transportation, you can count on us to deliver an effective and cost efficient inland haulage service.

Our offering includes:

h Multiple modes of transport
h FTL(Full Truck Load), LTL(Less-than Truck Load), or dedicated truck
h Expedited inland haulage Service
h Timely pick-up and delivery
h One-stop-shopping combining your land and ocean transport needs
h Value added service accompanied with trucking
在服務和利潤兩個矛盾統一體中找到企業與客戶雙贏的結合點。公司經過多年的努力與各大船公司建立了深厚的合作關係;與HAPAG-LLOYD、WANHAI、ZIM、OOCL、EVERGREEN、YANGMING、MARESK、CHINA SHIPPING、TSL、MARIANA等船公司在多條航線上簽有約,以量大爭取船東的優勢合約運價。在為客戶保證艙位的前提下提供最優惠的運價深圳嘉港一貫堅持“以人為本,客戶至上”。我們深諳物流服務真正的內涵是舒心安排,貼心服務,最終達到雙贏合作。公司以人性為本,為國內外客戶提供專業,安全,準時的服務;根據不同客戶的需求,為客戶提供充分的可利用物流資源,以獲取最大限度的市場競爭優勢;以先進管理降低企業的物流成本,以誠信獲取客戶的信任。我們相信通過我們的服務,能讓您不斷得到增值!

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