
admin / 2013.1.11 / 16:7 pm

主要港口 0+

United Win has the ability to provide support to the unique challenges of the international drinks industry. We have an on-hand team of experts that can provide multiple transport solutions from direct pickups or the transportation of loose or palletized goods to bulk movements using 24,000 liter flexi tanks, loaded into 20 foot containers. United-win has a professional team specialized in customs clearance for Red Wine. The team can prepare related documents for clients according to the features of cargo to make sure that the cargos get green light quickly. 我公司与韩进(HANJIN)、法国达飞轮船(CMA-CGM)、长荣(EVERGREEN)、万海(WANHAI)、美国总统邮轮(APL)等国内外各大船公司建立了良好的代理和合作关系,竭诚为客户提供以欧洲、地中海、美洲与澳非航线为主,中东、印巴、东南亚航线为辅的世界主要港口之最具竞争力优势运价,在深圳及珠江三角洲地区赢得了良好、可靠的信誉。

公司海外代理诚信可靠,遍布世界一百多个主要港口和城市都有自己的代理网络,可为客户提供门到门(DOOR TO DOOR)等更广泛、更经济的全过程个性化服务。

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